The Intraseasonal North Atlantic Oscillation as a Quasi-Semiannual Propagating Disturbance
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a well-studied mode of regional climate variability over the Northern Atlantic ocean typically associated with fluctuations in sea-level pressure, storm tracks, and the North Atlantic jet. These fluctuations are classically understood to be a kind of see-sawing between one climatic phase, corresponding to a more poleward North Atlantic jet, and the other, a more equatorward North Atlantic jet, making the NAO a regionalized annular mode. However, recent work has shown that annular modes are…
Recommended citation: Smith, S., P. Staten, and J. Lu, 2025: The Intraseasonal North Atlantic Oscillation as a Quasi-Semiannual Propagating Disturbance. In preparation.